AnimalEO Open-Air


An amazing blend for diffusion, especially supportive for all respiratory conditions! This blend was created specifically for respiratory issues in animals, but smells absolutely wonderful as a basic diffusion blend for your home!


Essential Oils of Tangerine (Citrus reticulate)Cinnamon (Cinnomomum zeylanicum)Spruce (Picea mariana)Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis)Eucalyptus radiataClove (Eugenia caryolphyllata)Helichrysum (H. italicum)Frankincense (Boswellia carterii)Lemon (Citrus limon)Marjoram (Origanum majorana)Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis C)


Although one of the more controversial species, I can assure you that Open-Air has been diffused for many, many cats in my direct care, and we have monitored blood data, clinical response, and long term use with only great results!  Open-Air can be diffused 24-7 in homes with cats, or in a rotation with other animalEO diffusion blends. 

I have often diffused Open-Air in a water-based diffuser for even newborn kittens, in a Tenting Situation – and those kittens thrived, improved, and grew into healthy youngsters with normal blood work.  Little kittens with crusty eyes and severe upper respiratory infections, really benefit from diffusion of Open-Air.  For crusty eyes – we use a very warm, wet to moist washcloth to soak and clean off crusts on the eyelids.  Then, make sure the kittens are normal body temperature and that they stay warm – as the mist from a water-based diffuser can be chilling to a small baby.  Then – usually we will place 1-3 drops per 100mL of water into the water-based diffuser, and diffuse for at least 20 minutes, multiple times a day within a small chamber or cage.  Usually, we will determine how often and how long we will diffuse, based on the response of the cat or kitten.  Some may need once a day, some may need every 3 days, and some may need 3 times a day.  The goal is to monitor your individual feline, and adjust accordingly. 

For EVERY cat – a topical application of  KittyBoost or KittyBoost LITE (or other appropriate Body Boost) should also be used when dealing with a health condition, as well as the additional use of one of the Litteroma blends.

In animal shelters, cat rescues, and various catteries – the regular diffusion of Open-Air in a water-based diffuser in the “cat ward” will bring benefits that no one can imagine until they see it for themselves.  We also find that this diffusion “habit” boosts immune systems in general, and reduces Ringworm spores and transmission that can plague cat facilities!


For various conditions such as Kennel Cough (Bordetella), Canine Flu, Bacterial Pneumonia, Aspiration Pneumonia, Pulmonary Contusions (bruised lungs from trauma), Bronchitis, Lung Cancer, Collapsing Trachea, Fungal Infections (Valley Fever (Coccidiomycosis), Blastomycosis, Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcus, Aspergillosis…), viral infections, and more – Open-Air will be of benefit.  Regular (24-7) diffusion of Open-Air within shelters, veterinary clinics, boarding facilities, training facilities, and anywhere that dogs will co-mingle – can help to stop the spread of contagions – along with providing a very pleasant smell for the area.

In most acute situations, caging or tenting your dog with Water-Based Diffusion will be indicated.  I will place at least 1-3 drops per 100mL of water into the diffuser, and usually place my patient or dog into a kennel and place the diffuser directly in front of it.  You could also sit with your dog in a small closed off bathroom with a diffuser for a similar effect.  For most dogs, I will diffuse for at least 20 minutes – but extend this time frame if they seem to have more comfort from longer diffusion.  Either way, I monitor carefully as explained on the diffusion page.  Often times, I will diffuse between 1-3 times a day.  Then, while not diffusing into the kennel, I will still diffuse the Open-Air in the general room or home for continued benefits.


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