AnimalEO Boost in a Bottle LITE


This is where Boost in a Bottle and Boost in a Bottle LITE come in. Each formula within the AromaBoost Collections is included in one convenient bottle – along with the additions of Nutmeg and Myrtle to support the Adrenal, Thyroid, and Endocrine System, Tangerine for additional support of tumors, and finally Melissa for its amazing anti-viral support and healing aspects.  Just a little extra “something special” to make the Boost in a Bottle bottles –  a bit more more special!

Who is Boost in a Bottle or Boost in a Bottle LITE for?

Basically – Boost in a Bottle should be used for dogs and larger animals (horses, cows, goats, etc..).  Boost in a Bottle LITE is intended for those animals in which regular Boost in a Bottle has seemed a bit too strong for.  Both Boost in a Bottle, and Boost in a Bottle LITE should be used with the same directions.  Neither Boost in a Bottle formula is intended for cats and smaller animals – with the exception of some chickens or specifically mentioned animals and situations.  Cats should use KittyBoost or one of the body system support boosts (AdrenoBalanceCardioBoostLiverBoostNeuroBoostSugarBalanceThyroBalance, or UroBoost) as directed.  Critters and other animals should use CritterBoost or the other formulations as directed.

Boost in a Bottle and Boost in a Bottle LITE are Ready To Use – and is already diluted to a strength that most animals tolerate readily.  You can use these right out of the bottle, without any further dilution.


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