AnimalEO AromaBoost Collection


All sizes sold as a set.

What is an AromaBoost you ask?  An AromaBoost is one of the most well-rounded and complete essential oil treatments you can give or receive.  It consists of a series of specifically selected oil blends, generally applied in a specific order (but don’t worry if you don’t get it perfect!), and massaged in.  It really can be a very simple, but effective and powerful treatment for an animal.

Over the years, I have adapted previously used techniques (developed and intended for humans) into a much more safe, effective, and simple technique for animals.  Clinically, these past techniques served us well in the veterinary setting, however there were always certain flaws to the procedure in practice. One of the most significant obstacles for my clients, was the complexity of the techniques we were being taught as “good for animals.”  We also simply found that the concentrations used were far stronger than necessary for animals.

For Dogs, AromaBoost has been an important part of our routine health maintenance, flea and tick prevention, and immune system support.  Almost every condition will benefit from a supportive application of an AromaBoost.  If you have been using the RTU version with no issue – then by all means – continue using it.  However if your dog is in total health, or has seemed a bit overwhelmed with the AromaBoost RTU at times – trying the AromaBoost LITE option is an excellent idea!  As we move forward, we are finding that AromaBoost LITE is an excellent starting point for almost all dogs – and we recommend starting with the LITE Collection if you are first starting out.

While AromaBoost is not intended for cats, please do not be concerned if your cat contacts the product after application to your dog, or even if they decide to lick your hands or dog!  Although many of our products are not “intended” to be used on cats, this is mainly because cats simply enjoy products made and formulated specifically for them, or the concentration may be a bit too strong for direct application to a cat.  For cats we recommend KittyBoostKittyBoost LITE or an appropriate Body Boost in place of AromaBoost.  Please see the recommendations on the Cats Page for more animalEO products that cats enjoy!

Remembering which oil to use, when to use it, and how to stroke it in after applying it – was a bit daunting to those I taught the technique to.  Eventually, I just began to say “Just get the oils on them!”…  Another complication with animals, is that they are often a moving target – so we want the techniques we use on them to be simple, quick, and well accepted.  With animalEO, I was able to develop what I consider to be the “perfect” technique for applying many powerful oils to animals, while eliminating certain oils that are less appropriate to use, and including oils that I found incredibly helpful for a variety of veterinary conditions.  With the sheer number of essential oils contained within an AromaBoost – you would likely have to spend over $500 to acquire all of the oils.  Oils like Spruce (Black Spruce, Picea mariana) and Balsam Fir are integral parts of our veterinary ability to eliminate the need for steroid use for many of our patients, and I felt that they were so important, that they should be included in every AromaBoost.

There are currently two types of AromaBoost Collections.  The AromaBoost RTU Collection and the AromaBoost LITE Collection.  RTU means Ready To Use – and really has revealed itself as one of the most appropriate concentrations for so many larger or sick animals.  However, there still are a few animals who do need a “bit less” in their concentration – or for animals who are not ill, are a bit smaller in size or sensitivity, and need a lesser concentration for just routine health applications – we also have the AromaBoost LITE Collection!  As we continue using the LITE Collection with more and more animals, it is quickly revealing that it is just as effective for most dogs, as the RTU version.

In general, we truly find that the RTU or LITE applications of essential oils (which basically means they are diluted in Coconut Oil to start out with…) is more effective, even for large animals such as horses and cows.  While some people may recommend “neat” or undiluted applications of oils – this is rarely necessary and is often a way to sell more oils, while putting animals at undue risk.


AromaBoost LITE #1

Ingredients:  Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Oregano (Oreganum vulgare), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Frankincense (Boswellia carterii)

The essential oils contained within Formula #1 have powerful actions, and are often reported to have abilities to reset and clear the body of harmful microbes.  Oregano and Thyme are known as “hot” oils, so they do carry the potential to create warmth and irritation to sensitive tissues.  If skin ever appears red, irritated, or you accidentally get this formula in your eye, please stop all essential oil applications, and apply Fractionated Coconut Oil to the area of need.

AromaBoost LITE #2

Ingredients:  Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Marjoram (Origanum majorana), Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

AromaBoost #2 contains Basil which is widely used to support histamine-related conditions in our veterinary practice. Although there have been some cautionary statements in regards to Basil with individuals who seizure or have epilepsy, we have not found this to be an issue at all when used properly.  The AromaBoost has been a hallmark support for many of our patients, especially those with seizures, and although we monitor all animals closely for any sort of adverse response to oils (no matter what the oil is) – in practice we have seen many more benefits than reasons to avoid the use of Basil.

Marjoram is well known as one of the “musculoskeletal” supporting essential oils, but it is also indicated to support respiratory conditions, the gastrointestinal tract, normal fluid handling, circulatory conditions, and more.  Marjoram is known for its support of the hormonal systems, and is an important part of our Hormone Blend.

And, let’s not forget Cypress.  Mainly used to support circulation and all forms of blood support in animals, it has a major role in full body support.

AromaBoost LITE #3

Ingredients:  Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea), Spruce (Picea mariana), Blue Cypress (Callitris intratropica)

Formula #3 couldn’t be much more spectacular!  Balsam Fir is wonderful for support of any musculoskeletal condition, respiratory conditions, emotional work, inflammatory conditions, support of stress hormone recovery, and more!  Spruce (actually Black Spruce variety), is a very special oil, rich in spiritual connection and is also indicated for musculoskeletal conditions, sinus and respiratory support, immune support, hormone support, and more.  Spruce is also a fundamental essential oil for our veterinary practice to use when we wish to decrease the need for prescription steroids.  The use of the AromaBoost for all conditions for which steroids are recommended, has shown incredible responses.  Blue Cypress is an equally amazing oil.  Blue in color, as well as thick in consistency, this oil is showing major benefits when used in combination with our protocols.  

AromaBoost LITE #4

Ingredients:  Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Marjoram (Origanum majorana), Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis), Anise (Pimpinella anisum), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Juniper (Juniperus communis), Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)

Formula #4 contains the oils within G.I. Goe, just in a slightly different ratio.  This blend is incredibly indicated for all things Gastrointestinal.  And gastrointestinal dysfunction is high in almost every condition I see in the veterinary hospital.  The G.I. tract should be supported in all forms of dis-ease in my opinion – and that is why #4 is so important to be included within the AromaBoost.  

AromaBoost LITE #5

Ingredients:  Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Helichrysum (H. italicum), Myrrh (Comminphora myrrha)

Last, but certainly not least, is AromaBoost #5.  This may be one of my most favorite blends.  Similar to Dog Breath, this formula contains slightly different ratios to make it the “Grande Finale” of the AromaBoost.

Peppermint has many properties, but in this final application, we use it especially for its characteristic of being a “driving oil.”  This means that Peppermint often aids other oils in penetrating the skin and tissues, deeper and being more effective.  And finally Myrrh, is often referred to as a “Mother Oil” it is that important.  Myrrh is supportive for many endocrine and hormonal conditions including support of the Thyroid, growth hormones, pituitary gland function, and hypothalamus function.




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